Saturday, August 21, 2010

Welcome and some initial thoughts......

“You are living in a time when opportunities for self-empowerment, expanded awareness, and spiritual growth appear to be unlimited.” — The Pleiadians

 Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. This is my first post and here are some initial thoughts to hopefully stimulate your mind. :)

 The quote above comes from 'The Pleiadians' via Barbara Marciniak. If you haven't read any of her books I highly recommend them all. They are channeled works, and I have found her writings to be extremely eye-opening and informative. Here is a link to her main website if you're interested:  


I will definitely be exploring many of her themes on this site. We are indeed living in a most unusual and exciting time, a time of immense opportunities for growth in so many ways. As larger challenges present themselves and light and darkness polarize, we are all being strongly encouraged to re-evaluate our lives and what is 'real' in them.

I especially like the quote above because it is very encouraging and relates to my own experience very well. Self-empowerment is a choice we all face each day. When I first read about turning inward and taking more time for myself, I thought this might be a bit selfish. What I've come to realize is that turning to your true divine self and healing yourself from within will change the world in many ways, often in a method you would never suspect. While this process of inner healing and resolution of one's masculine and feminine side can often be challenging, it is a road well worth traveling as you become more 'whole' and begin to integrate your 'higher self'. I will be posting much more on this process of healing and recommended tools very soon.

Expanded awareness goes hand in hand with self-empowerment and inner healing. As our self-imposed limitations are lifted, we start to realize that there are many dimensions and energies within our world that we never noticed before. Our concepts of time and space can expand, as well as our realization that we are not alone, and we never were. Personally over the past 5 years especially I have had many interesting and unusual experiences with the supernatural and spiritual worlds as my awareness developed. These 'unusual' occurrences will soon be the norm, as what we think is impossible becomes everyday life. If you're wondering how in the world I could really 'know' any of this, a large part of it is heightened intuition along with an inner knowing or remembrance of things past.

Our spiritual growth is indeed unlimited and this is very exciting to say the least! Sincere and focused, specific intention is one of the primary keys to unlocking our rate of growth. We are certainly not in any competition to ascend but our core intent to grow and expand spiritually can and will produce amazing results as time cycles converge and our DNA evolves. The world right now can often seem like a very frightening and dark place, however this 'darkness' gives us the opportunity to declare who we truly are! Thus, the darkness serves its role well as each of us has the choice of core intention(s) and what type of 'frequency' to emit. Frequency, as Marciniak writes of, is key. As higher and higher energies are sent to Earth and prepare us for ascension, many of us will feel the call of being a light-worker. More to come on this soon.

The title of my site is 'Lightbody Awakening'. I see humanity's evolution to a lightbody state as our potential destiny. In short what this entails is a personal and collective healing and awakening of our dormant DNA, so that our cells emit light and we are able to move through dimensions and worlds at will. While this may sound radical, that is the point! Opportunity for growth is unlimited, and while there may be many other roles for us to play individually and collectively, consider how our special and unique connection to our DNA and unity consciousness may be a central part of the new golden age.

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