Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Awaken my friend, from this deep slumber......

 The theme of awakening is a powerful image that surrounds us. Consider Sleeping Beauty, the Matrix and countless other films where this is the key theme. We can all relate to this as part of our daily routine. The times we are in now however are providing many ways for us to 'awaken'. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday tasks. Turn on the TV and you are bombarded with propaganda, manipulative suggestion, and distractions. More and more people are realizing this as things intensify and light and dark polarize. What is really important is learning how to tune into our true, inner selves. This is a process of awakening and remembrance of who we really are. 

One of the things many of us learn growing up is that we are separate, individual beings who must take care of ourselves only and be 'responsible'. While this is true to a degree, we are in reality deeply interconnected with each other, the Earth, and the entire Universe. Part of the process of awakening and healing is realizing this and that we all effect each other through our thoughts and actions. We are all One, connected through the divine web of life and Spirit Source. As mentioned in my initial post, intention is very important in this process. Awakening occurs on many levels, not just in the conscious 'mind' but also in our sub-conscious and bodies, which are evolving also. Could the 'Junk DNA' that scientists write of actually be sleeping, waiting for the right intent and atmosphere to awaken and emit light? I certainly think so. If one considers that current 'mainstream' accepted science and history are 'right' until a better theory comes along, we start to see that as our awareness and focus of consciousness changes, so does our reality. We are truly beginning to awaken on all levels; emotionally, physically, spiritually, collectively.

Perhaps the most important awakening is within our heart. Unconditional Love is extremely powerful and the right approach to our entire life. By becoming unconditional love we allow ourselves to surrender any egoistic desires and our higher self can begin fully integrating within us. We begin to see that the 'other' is merely another part of us, in exciting and dynamic ways. Our power within is so much greater than those in 'control' would have you believe. Learning much more about our bodies as we grow and evolve is only natural. A recent book I just finished and highly recommend that specializes in our DNA level healing is Sol Luckman's 'Conscious Healing'. It really is an amazing read that covers the biology of our enlightenment process. His website is:  and you can get his book there as well. 

The point here is that as we awaken to our true selves, we heal our DNA in the process and begin evolution toward a fully christed state of lightbody. Do you have passions and things you love to do but never can find the time? Do you feel confused, lonely, or without a life's purpose? These common feelings are often rooted in a lack of knowledge and connection with your true, authentic nature. We are vast, multi-dimensional beings whose scope far outweighs our current physical body. A good example of this is in our dreams, where boundaries can be released and anything becomes possible. As more and more of us awaken, we will realize that we can really accomplish anything and that ascension is a real and joy filled process. You can start by simply making 'time' for things you truly love, and learning more about meditation, chakras, your higher self, the mind-body-spirit connection, and whatever else you feel drawn to by your intuition. More to come soon!

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