Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Energies, Time Collapsing, and the 11-11-11 Portal......

Life seems to be moving so much faster, don't you think? I can really feel the new energies coming in, and while they can be intense, it really feels like a time of complete purification. Our very lives are changing before our eyes, and everything old is fading away so quickly. These new energies also seem to be unlocking our dormant abilities. I have noticed in my own life a marked increase in telepathic recognition, psychic visions, and 'sensing' events before they happen. This is truly the time of mass awakening we have all yearned for.

While time seems to be 'moving' faster and faster, there are still moments that feel 'timeless', outside of our normal 3D time/space. We are remembering how to stay in the 'now' moment of eternal bliss and love. Our awareness and remembrance of multi-dimensional reality is really starting to show itself, whether through patterns of events in our lives or on the world stage. The veil is really starting to thin, and in my mind the 'timing' couldn't be more right. With the Mayan calender ending in a few weeks, the economy in dire straits, protests spreading throughout the world, it's literally all starting to happen at once. Love seems to be the only answer, the only reality when all is said and done. I have found this to really be true in my life as I stand in truth and unconditional love. No conditions on our love really opens the doors for our expanded 'Self' to move through us, and change the world, even through a simple smile. It really is amazing how changing your perspective and 'being' love enriches your life, and in turn all those you encounter.

So, I've been wondering if the Mayan calender really does end on Oct. 28th, what happens after? While I find Carl Calleman's articles fascinating, I think the answer lies largely with humanity's collective thoughts. I do feel certain ascension events are definitely going to take place, it's a strong feeling I have, combined with some research and prophetic dreams. This November 11th promises to be an intriguing, and amazing day of transformation and higher energies. Some say the portals will start opening and the 1st wave of light-workers will actually ascend to 5D and beyond. I had heard this earlier this year, but it wasn't til I read this a few days ago from one website that it really struck me. Ascension is real! It's so easy to get caught up in the daily pressures of life, and to even know ascension will 'probably' happen. But, to actually know if will happen, and unimaginable events will start to occur in weeks to months, really can make your head spin! While I do feel most of us will ascend next year, I've felt strongly that starting this month massive changes to the earth and humanity will unfold in dramatic, poignant, amazing ways. The difference between feeling it, and then 'knowing' it really holds such power. When you feel something so deep within yourself, that you know nothing can stop you/it, you understand the feeling I'm talking about. I just can't believe this is finally all about to start happening for humanity and the Earth. While I'm sure there will be challenges to face with a new way of living, I really can't wait to make contact with our E.T. brothers/sisters and starting using our full potential. Life is about to change so much, it really boggles my mind. While I like to think very expansively and creatively, this time there is no words to describe the wonders before us. The quantum leap is so close, and life will never, ever be the same again. Are you ready? :)


  1. You took the words right out of my mouth! I can feel so "ok" for a few hours and suddenly I feel as though I can barely stay conscious, and other times sometimes feel as though I am wading through mud. It is an interesting paradox that at once I can witness and feel a beautiful miracle, be in awe AND be in a mourning of sorts. I guess this makes sense as we ARE leaving it all to gain it all. It is mind boggling.

    I look back and see how everything led up to this and though it was brutal, for me, I see it now as being a program. Not to take out the sacredness and beauty of this shift, but I feel I can use the words program and ascension interchangeably. A beautiful program!!

    Here lately my thing is to accept that it really is in Creators hands AND embodying that myself. Whew! I suppose this is learning to really "be a vehicle for God," and not just reading about it. Being out in the world one day and feel high as a kite, and the next I am literally trying to stay conscious. Grounding is good!! I forget, maybe because part of me doesn't want to be!

    We receive great gifts yet I am a stubborn one! I do have a bit of a time giving it over but just yesterday, something came up and I just HAD to say, I HAVE to let it ALL go, just have to. Its not all roses, but it sure can be sparkles!!! For me personally, the magic and mystical time of Fall, my favorite time of year, really helps pull me through and up. If I get down I remember to FEEL the mystical, love myself as I would a child, and GIVE! Thank you so much for this post!!! It is so uplifting and says it perfectly in such a joyous manner!! :-) <3

  2. Thank you for your wonderful comment! I know what you mean about it being a 'program', reminds me of 'The Matrix', except for the best resolution possible! :)

    Interesting what you say about 'being a vehicle for God/Spirit', thats exactly what I've been feeling and learning too. It seems to be about giving up any sense of control, and just being in the moment of 'now'. Easier said than done, of course! :) We are all perfect already, and we will see this more and more each day.
