Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cyclical Time and the Divine Spiral

Have you ever had a strong sense of deja-vu? Or, have you ever noticed a pattern of events that feels very similar to something that happened in your life long ago? Perhaps you have met someone, looked into their eyes, and intuitively know you've met this person before, if not in this life than another. These feelings are actually quite common to us and hint at the true nature of time and the divine spiral of life. 

Looking 'back through time' we can see that most ancient societies actually believed time was cyclical, just as we circle the sun events in our lives would repeat themselves at certain key intervals. Countries such as India divided time into epochs called Yugas, which in turn scaled up to even higher Kalpas. In their Vedic system the entire universe ultimately is destroyed and reborn, in an endless cycle of expansion and contraction. We also have the 'Great Year'. Both the ancient Greeks and Indians believed in this time wherein the Earth and her inhabitants go through immense changes both externally and internally. This Great Year was part of the 'Precession of the Equinoxes', a 26,000 year cycle in which the Earth while rotating on its axis slowly traces a cone shape and passes through the zodiacal signs. If we look at such well-researched and seminal works as 'Hamlet's Mill', we see convincing proof that ancient mythology was actually a technical description of this precession process. According to the authors there are over 200 myths from 30+ cultures that tie the Great Year to the precession event. That is a lot of sources to say the least! What we start to see here is that the ancients knew much more than standard, accepted history gives credit, and used unique methods to pass vital information on about our true reality.

So where does that place us amidst this cyclic process? According to the charts we on the cusp of the 'Age of Aquarius', a sign representing great imagination and known for being ahead of one's 'time'. This Great Year and evolution to a new age just happens to correlate with the Mayan 2012 predictions and such myths as the Hopi new world. Coincidence? I think not. What the ancients knew we are only beginning to remember as we tap into our inner intuition and expanded self-awareness. Speaking of being ahead of one's 'time', lets look at the curious life of Philip K. Dick. A famous science fiction writer, Dick had a knack for writing about future events that would thematically come to pass. One need only look at the long string of Hollywood movie adaptations (Blade Runner, A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report, ect...) to see just how prescient this man's ideas were. But was Dick merely creatively inspired, or was he tapping into a web of knowledge (a.k.a. Akashic Records) that any one of us can potentially find? Following Dick's encounter with, as he called it, a 'vesicle pisces' talisman, he started to experience all sorts of unusual visions and sensations. This led him to claim he was living a 'double' life, one as himself and the other as Thomas, a Christan persecuted by Romans in 1st century A.D. Here we have part of the account in Dick's own words:

"In that instant, as I stared at the gleaming fish sign and heard her words, I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis—a Greek word meaning, literally, "loss of forgetfulness." I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me. And not only could I remember it but I could see it. The girl was a secret Christian and so was I. We lived in fear of detection by the Romans. We had to communicate with cryptic signs. She had just told me all this, and it was true. For a short time, as hard as this is to believe or explain, I saw fading into view the black, prisonlike contours of hateful Rome. But, of much more importance, I remembered Jesus, who had just recently been with us, and had gone temporarily away, and would very soon return. My emotion was one of joy. We were secretly preparing to welcome Him back. It would not be long. And the Romans did not know. They thought He was dead, forever dead. That was our great secret, our joyous knowledge. Despite all appearances, Christ was going to return, and our delight and anticipation were boundless."

He also believed that an episode in his novel 'Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said', was a vivid retelling of a story from the Biblical Book of Acts, which he had never even read. Whether you believe his visions or not, they match the cyclical theory of time in fascinating ways. I have also had somewhat similar visions myself, where I was a young Egyptian boy in an ancient culture somewhere in Egypt. In another vision I saw Barack Obama as an ancient pharaoh, possibly Ahkenaten, or related to that dynasty. Many others have also noticed this resemblance intuitively. What I took from this was that Obama and all of us were here before, and that those in power now were possibly getting a '2nd' chance so to speak to make life-affirming decisions as opposed to destructive ones. While my visions were short and didn't provide the level of detail as Dick, they were compelling and convincing pointers to our own past lives. 

What we have here is potential evidence of the cycles of time, whereby the Roman Empire period can be seen as a cycle that we are reliving now in the United States. While this period we are in now is not the same as the Roman Age, the parallels are very intriguing. There is the ancient saying, 'History Repeats Itself'. But should we actually take this literally? Consider how both the Roman Empire and the United States enjoyed years of prosperity and world expansion and now how our economy is on the brink of total collapse. This would follow suit with the Romans, whose bloated empire could not sustain itself over time and ultimately fell prey to northern invaders. While the details are not the same, the thematic and symbolic content is. The closer we look at patterns within history, the more parallels such as this will emerge. What Dick seemed to be realizing and feeling was his past lives, which led him in his famous 'Exegesis' to propose that there is perceived linear time, and there is 'orthogonal' time. This 'orthogonal' time according to Dick ties into the Great Year and is more circular in nature than we we normally perceive. As he says:

"But time, in itself, is not moving from our past to our future. Its orthogonal axis leads it through a rotary cycle within which, for example, we have been "spinning our wheels," so to speak, in a vast winter of our species that has lasted already about 2,000 of our lineal time years. Evidently orthogonal time or true time rotate something like the primitive cyclic time, within which each year was regarded as the same year, each new crop the same crop; in fact, each spring was the same spring again.....

True orthogonal time is rotary, but on a vaster scale, much like the Great Year of the ancients; much, too, like Dante's idea of the time rate of eternity which you find expressed in his Comedy. During the Middle Ages such thinkers as Erigena had begun to sense true eternity or timelessness, but others had begun to sense that eternity involved time (timelessness would be a static state), although the time would be quite different from our perception of it. A clue lay in St. Paul's reiteration that the Final Days of the world would be the Time of Restoration of All Things. He had evidently experienced this orthogonal time enough to understand that it contains in it as a simultaneous plane or extension everything which was, just as the grooves on an LP contain the part of the music which has already been played; they don't disappear after the stylus tracks them.....  It is that very energy, Time, postulated by Dr. Kozyrev as binding together all phenomena and maintaining all life, which by its activity hides the ontological reality beneath its flow.....

This would imply that our world as extensive in time (rather than extensive in space) is like an onion, an almost infinite number of successive layers. If lineal time seems to add layers, then perhaps orthogonal time peels these off, exposing layers of progressively greater Being. One is reminded here of Plotinus's view of the universe as consisting of concentric rings of emanation, each one possessing more Being -- or reality -- than the next." 

Dick clearly has a lot to say. What we can see here though is a relation of cyclical time to greater reality, or 'Being'. Many of us have sensed the feeling of deja-vu, or patterns that repeat themselves in life. If we push ourselves further than just sensing or even remembering past connections to present, where do we arrive? These types of 'time-slips' can indeed help us see the larger picture. That mosaic of greater 'being' ties into the divine spiral of life. A spiral is conically shaped but contains smaller circles and progressively larger ones. If you think about it, spirals are really everywhere you look.

Consider for a moment the Golden Ratio. Also known as the Golden Mean, this mathematical constant is shown as:

This rather simple ratio has been applied to all sorts of things, such as art, music, nature, and even the human body. The ratio also produces the Golden Spiral:

This spiral, as shown, gets wider for every quarter turn it takes. If we take Plato literally about the world of ideal forms as well as the ancient hermetic principle, "As Above so Below", we can connect the Golden or Divine Spiral that is everywhere we look to Time itself. Expanding on the idea of circular time, with a time spiral each revolving circle could actually appear similar in content or tone, however it would be unique and actually offer a wider perspective than the smaller revolution below it. I see this idea more clearly when I compare our present day to the Roman Age, as well as Atlantis. The connections can be infinite, but if we take Terrence McKenna's theory of 'Timewave Zero' and apply it here with 2011-2012 as the singularity, I see the approaching collapse of time as a merging of the time spirals as the veil lifts. 

This would also suggest the reassembly of past and future lives, a collection of all we have been and will be. Imagine the feeling of consolidating hundreds or even thousands of lives! The potential of this time 'shift' is staggering. As the Mayans saw it, our integration with the energy of time will be complete, and we will be free to co-create reality as true, completed beings on a stunning new level.

Would this mean a new spiral or cyclic age will start after 2012? I believe 2012 will provide us the opportunity to 'perceive' time and ourselves much differently. The coming golden age, as the ancients described it, would transform everything we think we 'know' and hoped was possible. We will peel off a massive layer of the onion and start to see ourselves for who we really are; vast, multi-dimensional waves of the infinite ocean of life.


  1. Hey Dave
    Saw your comments on Laurens page, I definitely agree- her posts are an encapsulation and a voice for what many people are feeling and perhaps unable to articulate as well as her.

    I love the format of your blog, it is very visually appealing, nice work!

  2. Thanks Z! I really couldn't believe it when I found Lauren's blogs by 'chance' as I'd never found a group online that I could relate to so much. :) I hope you enjoy my posts, more to come soon! :)
