Sunday, May 15, 2011

Prophetic Dreams and Pyschic Abilities: The New Age of Gifts

About two months ago I had a very powerful prophetic dream. In this dream I was on Earth looking toward the sky, as were millions if not billions of other people. A planet appeared seemingly out of 'nowhere' and aligned to the lower left-hand side of the sun. This was an extremely powerful, spiritual connection and everyone on Earth felt the power and significance of this telepathically. As soon as this 'mystery' planet and the sun aligned, I noticed new qualities emerge from the sun and its entire appearance changed. The sun seemed to be revealing to us and all other life forms its true spiritual nature. Much has been written about the sun's true spiritual side, and many claim this extremely intelligent and evolved 'being' is actually a gateway portal to other worlds and dimensions. What I saw in this dream definitely backed up this idea, showing special, unique, pure energies flowing through the sun as it became largely transparent. I noticed and 'felt' it's ancient connection with the center of the galaxy, and with other worlds such as the Pleiades and Sirius. This was an amazingly positive energy and every life form felt it!

The 'mystery' planet after some further thought and research seemed to be Nibiru, or Planet X. According to some researchers, Nibiru is clearly on it's way back to this solar system after making a long 3,600 year orbit in deep space. While many books have written solely about the negative qualities of the Annunaki and Nibiru, my dream pointed to a spiritually evolved planet, and an alignment that greatly benefited this entire system of planets and life. The connection has been made between comet Elenin and Nibiru, and we shall see soon enough if they are one and the same. My thoughts are that this alignment will happen very soon, perhaps on 11/11/11, or sometime in mid-October. The alignment I saw within the dream was definitely connected to sacred geometry as well, and seemed to illustrate a sacred triangle of energies (such as those at Giza shown below), as well as other shapes of purpose.

 I have also noticed a large upsurge in my psychic visions, usually between 5-7 am. This has been most exciting and unusual in interesting ways.  I am sure I am not alone in this, but felt compelled to share the way these come about. As I wake up, I will notice objects within the room 'morph' into visions of people or scenes. This only lasts for a second or two, but seems to show the inter-related nature of all things. A common box or pile of books literally changes its appearance in such a way to show special significance in a message or vision. While these objects seem mundane and I largely ignore them during the day, their 'connection' to the vision shows how significant even a piece of cardboard can become in a different perspective or state of mind. I realize this might sound a bit crazy, but often what is deemed crazy now is 'the norm' later on as we evolve our spiritual and pyschic abilities. If every thing is connected to everything else, why couldn't Eternity really be within every moment as Mr. William Blake says? Something to think about indeed. 

What we seem to be heading into ever more quickly by the day is an exponential increase in everything, but especially our latent powers, such as prophetic dreams or psychic visions, as in my case and many others. This is a time of learning to re-member how powerful we truly are, by using our entire brain, not just 10%! These spiritual gifts will indeed make all of us the new X-Men, or Fantastic 4 ect.... We will discover we were these beings all along, as the programs of limitation are lifted. Our heightened perspective will allow us to create in a new understanding of reality and limitless models of thought. The time of potential realized is truly upon us! More dreams to come soon.......