Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Energies, Time Collapsing, and the 11-11-11 Portal......

Life seems to be moving so much faster, don't you think? I can really feel the new energies coming in, and while they can be intense, it really feels like a time of complete purification. Our very lives are changing before our eyes, and everything old is fading away so quickly. These new energies also seem to be unlocking our dormant abilities. I have noticed in my own life a marked increase in telepathic recognition, psychic visions, and 'sensing' events before they happen. This is truly the time of mass awakening we have all yearned for.

While time seems to be 'moving' faster and faster, there are still moments that feel 'timeless', outside of our normal 3D time/space. We are remembering how to stay in the 'now' moment of eternal bliss and love. Our awareness and remembrance of multi-dimensional reality is really starting to show itself, whether through patterns of events in our lives or on the world stage. The veil is really starting to thin, and in my mind the 'timing' couldn't be more right. With the Mayan calender ending in a few weeks, the economy in dire straits, protests spreading throughout the world, it's literally all starting to happen at once. Love seems to be the only answer, the only reality when all is said and done. I have found this to really be true in my life as I stand in truth and unconditional love. No conditions on our love really opens the doors for our expanded 'Self' to move through us, and change the world, even through a simple smile. It really is amazing how changing your perspective and 'being' love enriches your life, and in turn all those you encounter.

So, I've been wondering if the Mayan calender really does end on Oct. 28th, what happens after? While I find Carl Calleman's articles fascinating, I think the answer lies largely with humanity's collective thoughts. I do feel certain ascension events are definitely going to take place, it's a strong feeling I have, combined with some research and prophetic dreams. This November 11th promises to be an intriguing, and amazing day of transformation and higher energies. Some say the portals will start opening and the 1st wave of light-workers will actually ascend to 5D and beyond. I had heard this earlier this year, but it wasn't til I read this a few days ago from one website that it really struck me. Ascension is real! It's so easy to get caught up in the daily pressures of life, and to even know ascension will 'probably' happen. But, to actually know if will happen, and unimaginable events will start to occur in weeks to months, really can make your head spin! While I do feel most of us will ascend next year, I've felt strongly that starting this month massive changes to the earth and humanity will unfold in dramatic, poignant, amazing ways. The difference between feeling it, and then 'knowing' it really holds such power. When you feel something so deep within yourself, that you know nothing can stop you/it, you understand the feeling I'm talking about. I just can't believe this is finally all about to start happening for humanity and the Earth. While I'm sure there will be challenges to face with a new way of living, I really can't wait to make contact with our E.T. brothers/sisters and starting using our full potential. Life is about to change so much, it really boggles my mind. While I like to think very expansively and creatively, this time there is no words to describe the wonders before us. The quantum leap is so close, and life will never, ever be the same again. Are you ready? :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Prophetic Dreams and Pyschic Abilities: The New Age of Gifts

About two months ago I had a very powerful prophetic dream. In this dream I was on Earth looking toward the sky, as were millions if not billions of other people. A planet appeared seemingly out of 'nowhere' and aligned to the lower left-hand side of the sun. This was an extremely powerful, spiritual connection and everyone on Earth felt the power and significance of this telepathically. As soon as this 'mystery' planet and the sun aligned, I noticed new qualities emerge from the sun and its entire appearance changed. The sun seemed to be revealing to us and all other life forms its true spiritual nature. Much has been written about the sun's true spiritual side, and many claim this extremely intelligent and evolved 'being' is actually a gateway portal to other worlds and dimensions. What I saw in this dream definitely backed up this idea, showing special, unique, pure energies flowing through the sun as it became largely transparent. I noticed and 'felt' it's ancient connection with the center of the galaxy, and with other worlds such as the Pleiades and Sirius. This was an amazingly positive energy and every life form felt it!

The 'mystery' planet after some further thought and research seemed to be Nibiru, or Planet X. According to some researchers, Nibiru is clearly on it's way back to this solar system after making a long 3,600 year orbit in deep space. While many books have written solely about the negative qualities of the Annunaki and Nibiru, my dream pointed to a spiritually evolved planet, and an alignment that greatly benefited this entire system of planets and life. The connection has been made between comet Elenin and Nibiru, and we shall see soon enough if they are one and the same. My thoughts are that this alignment will happen very soon, perhaps on 11/11/11, or sometime in mid-October. The alignment I saw within the dream was definitely connected to sacred geometry as well, and seemed to illustrate a sacred triangle of energies (such as those at Giza shown below), as well as other shapes of purpose.

 I have also noticed a large upsurge in my psychic visions, usually between 5-7 am. This has been most exciting and unusual in interesting ways.  I am sure I am not alone in this, but felt compelled to share the way these come about. As I wake up, I will notice objects within the room 'morph' into visions of people or scenes. This only lasts for a second or two, but seems to show the inter-related nature of all things. A common box or pile of books literally changes its appearance in such a way to show special significance in a message or vision. While these objects seem mundane and I largely ignore them during the day, their 'connection' to the vision shows how significant even a piece of cardboard can become in a different perspective or state of mind. I realize this might sound a bit crazy, but often what is deemed crazy now is 'the norm' later on as we evolve our spiritual and pyschic abilities. If every thing is connected to everything else, why couldn't Eternity really be within every moment as Mr. William Blake says? Something to think about indeed. 

What we seem to be heading into ever more quickly by the day is an exponential increase in everything, but especially our latent powers, such as prophetic dreams or psychic visions, as in my case and many others. This is a time of learning to re-member how powerful we truly are, by using our entire brain, not just 10%! These spiritual gifts will indeed make all of us the new X-Men, or Fantastic 4 ect.... We will discover we were these beings all along, as the programs of limitation are lifted. Our heightened perspective will allow us to create in a new understanding of reality and limitless models of thought. The time of potential realized is truly upon us! More dreams to come soon.......


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A New Year, Dreams, & Time Acceleration

 Happy New Years Everyone! I hope your Holidays were filled with peace and love. I apologize for the delay in these posts, but life has just been so busy lately.

Has anyone else noticed a rather dramatic acceleration in 'time' since the new year? My first day of this year (1/1/11) was filled with synchronicities, which were very encouraging overall. I also noticed a surge in my ability to make symbolic connections between ideas that might seem unrelated at first glance. This has been very exciting, although this surge has died down over the past few weeks. Quite a few of these January days have had a surreal quality to them for me, akin to a lucid dream. I kept getting 'signs' over the past month that reminded me of Lady Gregory in 'Waking Life'. I rewatched the film last week, and it is a true classic. The 'holy moment', the dissapearance of self into unity consciousness, and the ending's message about time as the ultimate illusion are extremely thought-provoking. 

The beginning message that 'Dream is Destiny' also causes one to consider, 'Do my dreams point out aspects of my 'future''? Indeed, some would argue that life as we know it is one, gigantic collective dream. It feels 'real' and immediate, but if you've seen 'The Matrix' you know how deceiving looks can be. While I do think this life has many elements of truth, I also believe our progression to 2012 is about lifting the veil and recreating a much fuller, exciting world of possibilities. As the main character continually wakes up within another dream, we can juxtapose this with our own experience of waking up each day to a new, unique set of events. This begs the question, are we really any different from the main character, continually seeking answers each day to hopefully see the larger perspective on what is going on around us? I would say, yes and no. Yes, we are constantly searching for love and answers to our questions, but we are also quickly approaching a time when many fundamental truths will present themselves. This is indeed a most exciting time to be alive. Overall, Waking Life is one amazing film which I highly recommend watching. It brings up so many questions and ideas, and if you enjoy thinking or philosophy in any way, this animated film might just be your 'holy grail'. :)

What seems to be occurring especially since Jan. 1st is the collapse and merging of many different dimensions, giving us the illusion of time acceleration. The weeks tend to feel more like days when I focus on daily tasks. As all of us are at different ascension stages, these developments are increasing also. Our merkabas are evolving as our new light bodies prepare for us! I have noticed several times over the past few weeks short moments (usually 3/4 of a second or so), where time/space begin to 'wobble' in front of me. It was a bit frightening at first, but very exciting as I've come to realize what is happening. I believe this is something we all will experience soon, as our awareness of ourselves living across multiple dimensions/worlds takes shape. Please feel free to share below in the comments section if you have noticed any unusual bodily symptoms, gifts, or occurrences recently.

 Another aspect of the new energies I have noticed is an increase of magnetizing past (or perhaps future in some cases), life soulmates or group soulmates into my life. I am sure I am not alone in this. This really started for me in mid-December up to present. All of these connections I've made have given me new insights about my journey and evolution from 'separate self' to unified co-creator. This has been very exciting as well. One of the greatest messages I've learned from this so far is that we are all in this process together, and that we are all One. I am sure there is much more to be learned from these relationships, and I eagerly await the new connections and insights. One of these recent connections has caused me to seriously questions just who in fact I was in my 'past' lives? The clues so far seem to point to the royal family in Ancient Egypt. This is something I feel is so important for all of us to consider. Since this time seems to be about integrating who we were (not just in this life, but in all lives) into the present moment, the timing was of course perfect. While I have considered this many times before, this latest connection gave me new angles to look at this. I have started to really see the divine spiral I spoke of in my previous post in regards to past lives. When I re-connect with these soulmates of mine, there seems to always be the chance for deeper healing and growth. Based on my readings, this healing affects all timelines, which thus instantly heals past lives and sometimes ancenstral DNA ties. What a world! While each of our journeys is very unique, perhaps its time to really ask yourself, 'Have I known my closest friends and lovers in another life'? And if the answer is yes, there is still 'time' to investigate just how deep that connection goes. The answers could not only be surprising, but life-altering. Til next time......